
Skyrim hex fiend armory
Skyrim hex fiend armory

skyrim hex fiend armory

Imperial Armor requires a Smithing level of 20 and the Steel Smithing perk to create. A set can be found in the New Gnisis Cornerclub.Closed Helmet Variant can be found in Kilkreath Ruins, near the body of a desecrated Imperial Soldier, another can be found at a Shrine to Talos near Froki's Shack, as well as in the East Empire Company Warehouse near Solitude.Fort Frostmoth DR – Several pieces are on the ash covered shelves.Haafingar Guards wear Imperial bracers and boots.During the quests " Liberation of Skyrim" and " Reunification of Skyrim," pieces can be looted from Imperial soldiers that have fallen in battle at the many forts across Skyrim.

skyrim hex fiend armory

  • A set may be obtained from Beirand if asked for heavy armor after joining the Imperial Legion.
  • His helmet, an Imperial officer helmet, is found inside Sulla Trebatuis' pack, in the torture chamber where Valie is found.
  • Alftand – Sulla Trebatius wears a set, minus the helmet, which can be obtained after he is killed.
  • Dawnstar – Horik Halfhand, who serves as housecarl to Brina Merilis, wears a set, minus the helmet.
  • Helgen Keep – the female Imperial captain wears a full set with the officer helmet, and can be obtained if Ralof is followed during " Unbound.".
  • The leader of these bandits will be wearing a set minus the helmet. There is a group of bandits that appears randomly in the world posing as Imperial Soldiers. Pieces of Imperial armor typically cannot be found as random loot, however, during " Unbound," there are several Imperial soldiers in Helgen Keep who wear the armor, minus the helmet.

    Skyrim hex fiend armory